随着 Docker 在国内访问愈加困难,设置代理也是非常必要的了。


Docker 中代理分为两类,一类是 Docker 容器里运行的系统的代理,一类是 Dockerd 本身所使用的代理。这里配置的是 Dockerd 本身的代理。配置容器里的代理参考https://docs.docker.com/network/proxy/#configure-the-docker-client即可。

实际上有四个场景 @RainM I can understand your frustration.

I've been fighting various incarnations of corporate proxies for two decades now and have learnt a thing or two the hard way. One of the first things you have to consider is what component lives where and what does it need to access when (and in what context). Once you got that sorted out, the various settings actually make sense, believe it or not.

First the docker daemon and client do not necessarily live on the same computer. They often do, but they don't have to. That means that the client may need proxy settings to communicate with the daemon. The daemon may in turn need proxy settings to pull images from any of the various container image registries. These settings are not necessarily the same as those needed by the client to contact the daemon.

The docker build invocation contacts the daemon to make it pull a base image (if not already cached or the cache is explicitly ignored). That same build may need to fetch packages from the distribution, an NPM registry or pull code from a git repository somewhere. That may require yet another set of proxy settings. These proxy settings should not remain in the image being built because they are build environment dependent. That is, embedding the proxy settings I need at work in an image is not going to work for you when you pull that image. Worse, they may include authentication credentials 😱 The --build-arg options keep https_proxy, http_proxy and no_proxy out of the image.
Finally, there is a set of proxy settings that the image may need at run-time. For example, an image that polls a git repository for new commits in a repository on the other side of the proxy. Again, your proxy requirements aren't the same as mine so these settings should not be baked into the image (in the general case).

In a worst case scenario, these four (not three 😓) use cases may all need different settings. In a security conscious setup, you may even need to be able to prevent some of them to default to the settings for another use case, so specifying each set explicitly, though annoying, makes sense.

All that said, I personally really would like it if they all defaulted to using a single set (as long as I can override that when needed). After all, most of the time you're dealing with the daemon and client running on the same machine where you build and run your images during development.

Hope this helps.


Dockerd 设置代理有三种设置方法:Configure the daemon to use a proxy

  • 在运行时添加--http-proxy
  • 在运行时使用环境变量HTTP_PROXY
  • daemon.json中添加”http-proxy”参数。

但是,由于大部分人的 dockerd 应该是通过 systemd 管理的,因此实际上管理的方法有两种:

修改 Dockerd 配置

修改 /etc/docker/daemon.json,注意这里的https-proxy一般和http-proxy一致,而 Docker 官方的示例里前缀是https://,不适合大多数本地的代理软件。

  "proxies": {
    "http-proxy": "http://localhost:7890",
    "https-proxy": "http://localhost:7890",
    "no-proxy": "*.test.example.com,.example.org,"

修改完后需要使用sudo systemctl restart docker重启 dockerd。

修改 systemd 配置

  • 新建 systemd 服务文件/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf

执行命令重新加载 systemd 配置文件并重启 dockerd:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

执行docker info命令如果出现HTTP Proxy相关内容说明配置成功。


如果上述 daemon.json 配置错误,sudo systemd status docker很可能不会给出有用的信息

⋊> mlinux@mlinux ⋊> ~/Code systemctl restart docker
Failed to start docker.service: Interactive authentication required.
See system logs and 'systemctl status docker.service' for details.
⋊> mlinux@mlinux ⋊> ~/Code sudo systemctl status docker.service
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-06-28 22:28:56 CST; 1min 41s ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
       Docs: https://docs.docker.com
    Process: 2311811 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock (code=exited, sta>
   Main PID: 2311811 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

6月 28 22:28:56 mlinux systemd[1]: Stopped Docker Application Container Engine.
6月 28 22:28:56 mlinux systemd[1]: docker.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
6月 28 22:28:56 mlinux systemd[1]: docker.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
6月 28 22:28:56 mlinux systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.


⋊> mlinux@mlinux ⋊> ~/Code sudo dockerd
unable to configure the Docker daemon with file /etc/docker/daemon.json: the following directives don't match any configuration option: default